Happy New Year ๐ŸŽ‰

Morning Motivation

We're officially into the New Year, Happy 2023!!๐ŸŽ‰

Be proud of how much you overcame last year and continue to be proud of the steps you're taking now to achieve everything that you desire. 

Short motivational story 

Rat Race Of Life 

"Job" - Jump out of Bed

A:  Who are you ?

B: Know who you are. 

  1. Be confident- Move forward

  2. Choose where you want to go

C: Be a leader "Trust" 

  1. Making a great decision and being consistent

  2. Focus, Vision, dream - GO forward to accomplish.

  3. Communicate your vision

  4. Accountability - Be kind with Everybody

  5. Tell a story

  6. Take massive action and determination

  7. Follow your dream "Give people what they want and you get what you want"

Quote of the day

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."

Thomas Merton 

Word of the day


adjective | reh-truh-SPEK-tiv

What It Means

Retrospective means โ€œof or relating to the past or something that happened in the past.โ€

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