Morning Motivation

How we think affects how we act

      What we think affects how we act. Psychology is the study that seeks to better understand how our brain affects our behavior. What we think directly influences how we feel and in turn how we behave. Our thoughts affect our realities, they create feelings and those feelings drive our behavior. For example, you may enjoy going to the beach to swim, therefore, the thought of a beach day makes you happy. The positive thought may encourage you to plan a beach day. 

Stop being negative, express gratitude daily, stop to notice the good, cultivate compassion, be the positivity that you and others may need! Small steps transfer to other aspects of your life. 

I encourage you all to maintain a journal to track your thoughts and feelings. Since our thoughts influence our words and actions, these initial thoughts help shape our character and provide motivation for future goals. Set these goals and track them! Document your journey and watch as you grow. Journaling is an objective way to view trends in your thoughts and emotions so that you are not simply relying on your memory of past events, which can be inaccurate. 

Get started by obtaining a journal and create entries on a daily basis. Set a goal of how many minutes per day you want to write and stick to it. Write clearly and specifically while also conveying your emotions. When reviewing your previous entries, wait at least a week to examine what you’ve written. Look for patterns in how you interact with others and the thoughts and emotions you had during that time. Do you see things you like? Do you see things you’d like to change about yourself? Overtime, you will be able to track changes and hopefully growth in yourself.

Quote of the day 

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

Andrew Carnegie

Word of the day 


noun | Tun-nas-i-tee 

What it means: 

The quality of being very determined; persistent forward momentum with a game plan; to never stop trying to achieve a goal even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

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