Morning Motivation

Working Smarter

Most of us could be more efficient. Over time we develop bad habits or keep doing tasks one way even though we have the tools to do them an easier way.

But when you think about working smarter, before you jump to efficiency, pay attention to effectiveness. What is the outcome you’re trying to achieve and is there a better way to get there? here are 15 tips to work smarter.

  1. Say goodbye to multitasking

  2. Complete tasks in batches

  3. Take breaks

  4. Block your calendar

  5. Start tracking your time

  6. Schedule task around your energy levels

  7. Turn off your notifications

  8. Enjoy the outdoors

  9. Adjust your attitude

  10. Make a routine and stick to it

  11. Enhance your communication skills

  12. Keep your to-do list manageable

  13. Do work that you enjoy

  14. Ask questions early on

  15. Learn how to say "no"

The Bottom line:

implementing these tips to work smarter won't change your life overnight. Practicing these smart working strategies takes time, and you have to experiment to find what works for you before sticking to it.

Quote of the day

A well balanced person has a far greater ability on focusing their attention and energy on attaining their goals, taking productive action and moving forward in a meaningful way.

Diana Elmessiri

Word of the day


Verb | elu·​ci·​date


to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis

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